
Back from hols

So… yes I am back from hols. Had an absolutely amazing time. Weather was just lovely, spent part of every day (if not all day) on the beach. Spent a lot of time in the sea, I think the last time I did that was in Australia, some 16 years ago! Actually tried surfing, and loved it.
I did a lot of reflecting while away so this is kind of an intro to that, a ‘hey I’m back’ kind of post before I launch into it all.
Our beautiful beach: Perran Sands

Attempting to surf

I relaxed, got fresh air, had great family time. It was just brill. then on the last day I tweaked my back. Then we had a late night coming back (after spending all day on the beach!) and now I am exhausted and totally incapable of seeing sense! There is a fantastic line in one of the Blackadders where he says ‘some days the devil just farts in your face’… today feels like one of those. Actually nothing is hugely wrong, I am not under massive pressure, but the tiniest thing is likely to overcome me. Guess that’s the thing about coming home from a holiday – it sucks!

Anyway enough whining. I had lots of time to think about stuff, reflect on where I am in the discernment process, read a lot of books (none from my reading list so HA! to the diocese ;) ) and processed a lot of new ideas. On which I will undoubedly be posting. I didn’t miss my blog really but I did keep on thinking ‘I must write about that’. I think I often blog or write to work out in my own head what I am thinking and I did miss that. I still have a week before all the kids are back, staggered starts this year, but I am so looking forward to being back in the routine.

BTW I did keep up with twitter while away and it was fab to see lots of posts from Greenbelt. I’ve always wanted to go but never made it, and seeing all those tweets made me even more keen to go! One day…

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