
Blog Ratings August 2012 // Religion and Belief// Women Bloggers

Here are the August e-buzzing ratings for women bloggers in the religion and belief category. Well done ladies!!
A few new ones this month, so there are 21 on the list. I have added in Vicky Beechings other blog, Cyber Soul, which wasn’t on my previous list and Talking Christian which also wasn’t registering last time. As with last month, if you know of anyone who I have missed, please let me know.
Iave added a colum to see how the positions relate to last month, but haven’t managed a funky graphic yet – really should have paid attention in maths class. Hopefully will get the hubby on to this later!!

Blog Title August 2012 rating Progress Position
iBenedictines 6 →← 1
Cyber Soul (Vicky Beeching) 8 2
Vicky Beeching
(Religion, Ethics and Rock and Roll)
18 3
Lay Anglicana 24 4
beneath the spires
40 5
44 6
LLM Calling 46 7
A Reader in Writing 49 8
Looking Deeper 50 9
Learning from Sophie 55 10
Living Stones 57 11
Living To Please God 63 12
The Vicar’s Wife 69 13
Significant Truths 71 14
72 15
Apples of Gold 74 16
Seeker 77 17
RevRuth 81 18
86 19
Help I Work with
92 20
95 21

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  • Reply
    Lay Anglicana
    August 6, 2012 at 3:52 pm

    Thank-you very much, Red. I must say, I thought Vicky Beeching was pretty impressive before, but to have TWO blogs, each of which is in the top THREE of your list, and the top 20 overall is really quite staggering!
    I am not surprised that the Digital Nun keeps her position: she is short and to the point (which I admire but fail to be) and writes almost every day, quite apart from the high quality of what she writes.

  • Reply
    Nancy Wallace
    August 6, 2012 at 4:45 pm

    Thanks for doing this work Red and congratulations on moving up the chart. I'm not sure how meaningful these ratings are, but if it encourages more female Christians in the UK to start or continue a blog, I think it's helpful. Not that the men don't also need encouragement, but it would be good to see a better balance in the top 100.

  • Reply
    August 6, 2012 at 8:18 pm

    Hi ladies. no probs, I find it quite interesting and if it's an encouragement to women to blog thats fab!

  • Reply
    Nearly Martha
    August 8, 2012 at 1:51 pm

    Hello. Thanks for doing this. It's very interesting. Bit embarrassed to ask this but as I run a blog myself http://nearlymarthaagain.blogspot.co.uk/
    I was wondering what sort of numbers you would have to have to show up here. I have read most of these and am certain they get lots.

  • Reply
    August 8, 2012 at 5:34 pm

    Hiya Nearly Martha, nice to see you here :) Actually it's not all about numbers, or how often you post. I don't totally understand how e-buzzing work out ratings but they take into account things like backlinks – when people post links back to your blog. there are things you can do to get your blog out there more. DM me your email on twitter (I'm @redjules) and I'll email you!

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