This morning I shared my testimony (yes, again…) at a local bible group. It was a group of women, most of whom I don’t know, some of whom are and some aren’t Christians. I had also been asked to play one of my songs and lead some worhsip too. Now speaking in front of people isn’t an issue for me , I have done a fair bit of it in various jobs and I don’t mind it. But I do wonder about my testimony. I mean I think what God has done inmy life is amazing but really will anyone else?! but the few times I have shared it has really touched people and I thank God for that. I knew all the crap that I have been through couldn’t have been for nothing! I had such lovely comments afterwards and whilst the glory is all for God, after all he has brought me here, it was great to feel that I had made a difference to others – or rather that God used me to make a difference to others.
Playing was a big thing for me too. Although I have now played some of my songs in front of others I didn’t know any worship songs and haven’t led before. I spent most of last night with my husband working out which songs have about 3 chords in them and no random sharps!!
I did hit a few bum notes but generally it went well and people sang along too (even in the high bit of ‘Blessed be Your Name’ !!, which I totally thank God for as I have a sore throat and was never gonna hit them this morning!). So all in all it went well.
Then just a moment ago, I got a message from the lady who runs the group, asking me to reguarly play (can’t have been too bad then!). Funny thing is I just knew she was going to ask – even though I didn’t play or sing my best, I had a feeling, so I ahd already thought about whether I wanted to or how it would fit in – having said I am not taking on anything else…..
SO, anyway I said yes.. there goes that resolution then. But I guess I do feel its God-led and it will be great experience (might stop me shaking so much – don’t know how I got through the first song!) and anyway it just felt right. On top of that my mentor eysterday gave me this scripture:
They Overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony… Rev 12.11, so I kind of feel it was all meant to be…
Alan Crawley
September 18, 2010 at 10:05 amTestimony's are always good material – people like to hear stories. Keep at it :)
September 21, 2010 at 12:42 pmthanks :)