A few years ago when it was passed that women could become Bishops in the Church of England, I cried. Cried from the emotion of knowing that one more step had…
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Church of England & Ministry
Church of England & Ministry Curate's Life Ministry Mum Slider
‘Top Tips’ for clergy work-life balance in families…
Following on from yesterday’s look at working hours and balance of family life, here’s some top tips as gleaned from other Clergy Mums. And as with yesterday I feel I should say…
Christianity Church of England & Ministry Curate's Life Ministry Mum
Challenging clergy work-life balance
The eagle eyed amongst you may have noticed via the medium of social media that I’ve been asking a lot of questions about working hours recently. It started off as part…
This time last year I began a journey seeking ‘joy’ as I chose that as my one word to focus on for the year ahead. It was a really helpful tool…