

Felt like a quick change of blog layout. not sure of the pink actually but fancied something completely different. Whilst doing this, it occured to me that this journey I am on is so crazy :) Sometimes I wonder if it is all a massive dream (remember Dallas and Bobbys death?!) and I’m going to wake up and go back to bumbling along in my life, thinking that I am in control of it all…. If someone had said to me a few months ago: you will be watching this guy heal people, you will be writing a blog post about the fact that you believe God can heal in this day and age, that you actually want to be seeking God 24/7 (quite literally sometimes) or enjoy reading the bible…and get it…. :) well I think I would have laughed. a lot. and then ignored them…
Thing is, having been at this for a few months now I can look back and see my life changing in so many ways. From the oh so subtle, to the downright smack you in the face obvious. and all for the better. Sometimes I catch myself in a situation that now comes so naturally, that would have been so alien a few months back and when I do, catch myself, I recognise how far I’ve come in such a short space of time and it is just wonderful. Life is good. Totally crazy. totally out of my control. all the balls are in the air and I have no idea where I will be next week let alone a year. but it is great. I am so happy. so trusting. so fulfilled. God is good. really good.
more please. Bring it on…

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  • Reply
    Just Be Real
    June 1, 2010 at 9:26 am

    Red, Glad that you feel fulfilled! Although crazy as your life may be, the encouragement you share with your trust in in God is pivital. I believe God still heals in this day and age. Sure does feels 24/7 lately these days that I have been seeking Him too.

    Love the new design of your blog. Blessings.

  • Reply
    June 1, 2010 at 7:04 pm

    thanks :)
    bless you

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