So today was THE meeting… 2 1/2 hours later…bit of an epic… but it was all fine :)
The DDO was lovely and made me feel very at ease. I also felt really at peace today. I just know that this is in Gods hands and so there is not point in worrying, I just have to trust Him. And because I was relaxed I was just able to just be myself, so we basically just chatted for the whole time. He asked a lot of questions though! About my background, personally and about church, how I was involved at my current church, what I had done in the past, about my family, my job, spirituality, faith and obviously my calling. He was very encouraging, and I guess I must have said something right somewhere, as he said, ‘yes there’s definitely a spark there!’ and ‘I can see you’re raring to go’… He also told me more about the process and discussed finding me a Vocations Consultant which is the next step. So I have come away with a stack of papers to read and he’s going to send me a form to fill in and then we go from there.
I have to say I feel very excited! I think today was a really big step for me, in confirming my calling. I prayed before hand for God to shut the door today if it wasn’t of Him, so to come out feeling encouraged and that he was happy for me to go forward was amazing. I feel on a total high! Which I wasn’t expecting at all. I thought it would be a bit of a ‘well, lets just see where to go next’, which it kind of was too, but, well I’m not really describing it very well, I’m not sure what I am trying to say, other than it feels SO right and I am raring to go!! Now, I have so much peace about the process too. Don;t get me wrong, I am not under any illusions, I know I may not get to the end of the process, (and I don’t think it will be easy either), but if not I know it will be the right thing by God and I am just trusting in Him to lead me forward. But I am excited about the challenge, the process, learning a heap of new stuff and of course, following Gods will for me. BRING IT ON!!!!!
GOD thinker
November 17, 2010 at 6:55 pmCongratulations!!!
Alan Crawley
November 17, 2010 at 7:39 pm:)
November 17, 2010 at 11:20 pmYour followers are going to love all your posts of progress . XX
November 19, 2010 at 1:29 amHi Red,
I hope all goes well as you walk along the path God sets for you!
I'd like to invite you to my new photography blog at where I'm taking photos of God's creation for His glory. And I just wrote another devotional about how our hearts should be on fire for God, drawing parallels with the burning bush in Moses's day and the burning bush of the fall season. Hope to speak with you again soon.
November 19, 2010 at 12:25 pmGo with God wherever the path goes. I'm hoping you will post on whatever steps come next for you. I'm a Vocations Adviser and always looking to learn from candidates' experience, to help me in my practice.
November 19, 2010 at 1:48 pmThanks all :)