
Glory in the garden!

This is todays harvest from the veggie patch.
I love picking the veg, it’s so exciting getting out and seeing what is growing. It always amazes me, how a seed so tiny can contain all this information to produce such fantastic plants and such wonderful fruit. I don’t wish to be too gushy, but it really does show me the glory of God in his wonderful creation.
I am a fair weather gardener :) my husband does all the digging (I have a gippy back!) I plant the seeds and then just leave them to get on with it. I am not one who tends lovingly to her garden, so it’s always a bit of a surprise to me to see that things have actually grown! But I guess that is what life is about too. I’m not going to talk about faith growing from a seed as that would be a massive cliche, but you know what I mean, right?!
And a funny thing happened to our veg patch this year. In early summer hundreds of little seedlings appeared, that I hadn’t planted and I couldn’t work out what they were. As they grew I thought they looked like squash or courgette plants, so I left a few of them to grow. We sussed out that as we make our own compost, they must have grown from things thrown into our compost bin, so squash was quite high up the guess list as I love butternut squash! Anyway they have been happily flowering away and started growing small squash like things, all very exciting. Today I went exploting in the undergrowth (there are a lot of these plants and they are huge!) and imagine my surprise when I saw that these ‘squashes’ had become huge and were actually not squashes at all, but pumpkins!! So we now have 10 pumpkins growing and they are huge already (must be all that horse manure…).
So the moral of the story is… even if you think you know what something is growing into, it can still surprise you and take a different turn completely :) (and I’m not just talking about the veg now…!)

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  • Reply
    August 11, 2010 at 7:52 pm

    Beautiful garden! I wish I had a green thumb. I tend to kill things I try to grow, but enjoy the trying anyway. Blessings!

  • Reply
    SS Firedancer
    August 12, 2010 at 12:13 pm

    Wow how cool. I have been thinking hugely about "gardens vs. my life" this year. The story of your 'mystery veg' reminds me of a story that a friend of mine told me about earlier this year. Last year my friend 'L' spent a nice amount of money to have a garden which yielded a nice little crop for her. At the end of the season her 'husband' (much like yours) did the back bending job of plowing under the remains of their crop as one is supposed to do. Although 'L' wished that she could have another crop this spring she did not have the financial means to buy the seedlings. So she simply turned the matter over to the Lord and told Him that if He wanted to bless her with a garden He/God would have to supply the means. As in her mind there was no 'humanly' possibly way that they could put it into their budget. So she simply forgot about the issue thinking it was a done deal and that there would be no tomatoes this year. But God… Yes much to her surprise not only did she get a tomato crop she got a bumper crop. Over 200 tomato plants began to sprout from the supposed barren earth. She ended up with so many tomato plants that she had enough to sell as well as give away. Well isn't that just like our loving God to give us the 'exceedingly, abundantly above all that we could ever ask or think'(Ephesians 3:20) The moral of this story that I felt God telling me, was that even the things that we let fall to the ground. The things that we sowed into in our lives He will cause to bring forth fruit. And in your case with your 'pumpkins' it most likely will not be what we think it should be. Our loving Husband Lord may have to plow somethings under and allow them to lay dormant in us before we see the fruit of His (our husbands) back bending work.
    By the way the root word for 'husband' comes from the word husbandman and it means 'one who plows under' or in our modern vernacular a 'gardener'.
    Peace and Love, Firedancer

  • Reply
    SS Firedancer
    August 12, 2010 at 12:15 pm

    Wow how cool. I have been thinking hugely about "gardens vs. my life" this year. The story of your 'mystery veg' reminds me of a story that a friend of mine told me about earlier this year. Last year my friend 'L' spent a nice amount of money to have a garden which yielded a nice little crop for her. At the end of the season her 'husband' (much like yours) did the back bending job of plowing under the remains of their crop as one is supposed to do. Although 'L' wished that she could have another crop this spring she did not have the financial means to buy the seedlings. So she simply turned the matter over to the Lord and told Him that if He wanted to bless her with a garden He/God would have to supply the means. As in her mind there was no 'humanly' possibly way that they could put it into their budget. So she simply forgot about the issue thinking it was a done deal and that there would be no tomatoes this year. But God… Yes much to her surprise not only did she get a tomato crop she got a bumper crop. Over 200 tomato plants began to sprout from the supposed barren earth. She ended up with so many tomato plants that she had enough to sell as well as give away. Well isn't that just like our loving God to give us the 'exceedingly, abundantly above all that we could ever ask or think'(Ephesians 3:20) The moral of this story that I felt God telling me was that even the things that we let fall to the ground. The things that we sowed into in our lives He will cause to bring forth fruit. And in your case with your 'pumpkins' it most likely will not be what we think it should be. Our loving Husband Lord may have to plow somethings under and allow them to lay dormant in us before we see the fruit of His (our husbands) back bending work.
    By the way the root word for husband is one who plows under or in our modern vernacular a gardener.

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