
Holy Week Reflection 1 // Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday ‘Triumph and sorrows’

(Sermon from this morning available here)

Read: Luke 19:28-44 perhaps 2 or 3 times.

  • What, if anything, stands out to you?

Listen: Stations of the Cross by Malcolm Guite 1 and 2. (click on the numbers for the link)

Watch: the clips as shown in our morning services from the BBC’s ‘The Passion of Christ’:


  • How do the clips make you feel? Try and imagine yourself in the crowd in both scenes. Where would you be? What might you be saying?


Painting: ‘Entry into the City’ by John August Swanson (click on the title to go to the image)

  • This painting is a very colourful depiction of the triumphal entry. Spend a few minutes looking at the picture. What is your eye drawn to?

Prayer points:

  • Thank God for moments of triumph and celebration you have had in the last week
  • Ask that God would open your eyes to new moments of triumph in your life
  • Pray for those you know going through a period of sorrow

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