

I am so hungry at the moment to know more about Christ. I may have blogged about this before, can’t remember… I just can’t get enough. It’s been like this since our journey began just a few weeks before Christmas. I am reading the bible every day, reading lots of ‘God books’ and have spent the debt of a small country on Amazon recently… I just want to seek him out, to know him more.
Lots of people have said to me, ‘oh it’s so nice to be around new Christians, they are always so hungry, always so on fire’. But I don’t want that to end. At what point does it become common place? At what point will I no longer be a ‘new Christian’? I keep praying for it not to end, I don’t want to lose this hunger, this fire, so do I have to? I have described it as a bit like falling in love – how when you fall in love you want to be around that person all the time, you want to talk about them, think about them, it is so all comsuming and coming to faith has been a bit like that for me. However when you fall in love, it generally calms down a bit, when you get comfortable with each other, and then you settle into a new pattern in your relationship. Should I not desire that with God? If I stay this hungry will it stop me from moving forward? I don’t think so, I hope not… I just don’t want to be one of those Christians who becomes a bit complacent and it just becomes part of their life – I want it (or Him) to BE my life not just a part of it.

Glory in his holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice.
Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always. 1 Chronicles 10-11

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  • Reply
    Lesley Fellows
    April 9, 2010 at 9:04 pm

    :) that is amazing. I too remember that hunger, and how it was as if one penny dropped after another. Do you really want the questions in this post answered?

  • Reply
    Finally Free
    April 10, 2010 at 12:13 pm

    I pray right now you just enjoy this….I love reading your post. Makes me more hungry. I am like you, right now, and I have known the Lord for almost twenty years. It is all about seeking. Just keep putting logs on that fire and I will too! :)


  • Reply
    April 10, 2010 at 7:53 pm

    ok more logs….! :)
    thanks guys

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