
I want to change the world, in Jesus name…

This song from the latest Matt Redman album, ‘10,000 Reasons’ has really been speaking to me this week. It is such an amazing declaration of who God is and a powerful call for us to stand up and declare it, and whats more to take action!

I love that  line ‘Jesus in your name we could change the world’. It so inspires me to want to change the world. And really, is it that impossible? As he says, our God IS all he says he is and scripture tells us that for him nothing is impossible.

People do change the world all the time, Presidents and political leaders make decisions that change the world, Bill Gates is attempting to eradicate malaria,  people who are inspired by events in their lives start charities or organisations that help people.  And of course we all have the capacity to change the world in small ways in our own lives, by our own actions, but I want to think big, I want to think impossible. In fact I am sure that is what God is inpiring me to think about. I want a dream and a challenge that is so big it will only be possible if God is in control.

I want to change the world in His name…

“We Could Change The World”

Could we live like Your grace is stronger
Than all our faults and failures?
Could we live like Your love
Is deeper than our hearts can fathom
Could we live like this?

Could we live like Your name is higher
Than every other power?
Could we live like Your ways
Are wiser than our understanding?
Could we live like this?
Could we live like this?

Yes, our God is all He says, all He says He is
Jesus, in Your name we could change the world
We stand in Your love, in Your power
And all You say we are
Jesus, in Your name we could change the world

We believe that Your grace is stronger
Than all our faults and failures
We believe that Your love
Is deeper than our hearts can fathom
So could we live like this
And shine in all the world
Could we live like this?

Yes, our God is all He says, all He says He is
Jesus, in Your name we could change the world
We stand in Your love, in Your power
And all You say we are
Jesus, in Your name we could change the world

We’re saying, “yes, Lord, yes, Lord!”
What else could we say, what else could we say?
We’re saying, “yes, Lord, yes, Lord!”
We’re going all the way, we’re going all the way
We’re going to live like this

Yes, our God is all He says, all He says He is
Yes, our God is all He says, all He says He is

We’re going to live like this
Jesus, in Your name we could change the world
We believe, we believe
Jesus, in Your name we could change the world

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1 Comment

  • Reply
    February 18, 2012 at 8:17 pm

    What a brilliant prayer – and how I want it to be mine too. Thanks Red

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