
If you don’t ask, you don’t get!

It’s been ages since I really sat down with my blog and had a good read of those on my reading list, let alone writing anything myself. It’s funny how sometimes things go in seasons. It’s not like I haven’t got anything to say, I have plenty, but whenever I sit down to blog, all enthusiasm fades. Maybe my blog season has come and gone, or maybe I am just prioritising differently. Anyway for now I am going to post a few bits this week and see where we go…

So… I have definitely been in a season of awakening recently. So hungry for more of God, more of his power, I am longing to see his kingdom in all its fullness, here, and right now.  I mentioned  a few weeks ago about going to a womens day which was about prophecy and so inspiring. As well as that I have been doing some teaching from Bethel church in the US which has really fired something in me to see more!

I have been eagerly seeking the gift of Prophecy for some time and after the day of teaching I felt more aware of this. 2 days after it, I was at the local station buying a coffee when I felt God giving me a word for the chap in the cafe. My inital reaction was one of fear and ‘no, really? not now, not here!!’ but I asked God to clarify and just thought what have I got to lose? Thankfully there was no one else there except me and the cafe guy, so I just shared with him what I felt. It was brill! and opened up a great conversation about God, as it turns out he was a Muslim.

The very next day, half asleep and looking out of the kitchen window I saw the oil delivery man arrive and the same thing happened. I felt a sort of quickening, almost like nerves, and a sense of what I was to share with him. So I went out to offer him a cuppa at  the same time asking him about what I felt God has said. He said ‘yes, wow, thats weird…’ He was blown away that I could know his situation, and again I was able to bless him and he said he was going to share with his wife what had happened!

I testified at a recent service, that if you don’t ask, you won’t get, and I believe God has so much more for all of us, but half the time we are not aware, or don’t think ourselves worthy or think that things are for others. So come on, let’s get asking!

Follow the way of love and eagerly desire gifts of the Spirit, especially prophecy.  1 Cor 14:1

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1 Comment

  • Reply
    April 26, 2012 at 7:41 pm

    That's so exciting! and a real reminder of God's power and heart for people :-)

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