
its all in the timing…

ok it’s happened. the moment people warned me about. finally church is taking over my life. and I totally love it!

People said to me that God won’t just suddenly make you change what you are doing, there will be a progression and several people actually said: what usually happens is you find your time is gradually taken up with the new stuff and there won’t be time for the old and then you have to make a decision. Well that has happened. I got home tonight, after a church based meeting (which I wanted to go to don’t get me wrong) and realised that by Thursday I will have been out at church based ‘entertainment’ 5 nights on the trot. My husband then told me he was playing in the band on Sunday and was off to rehearsal on Tuesday night. so there the line was drawn! I don’t like the kids having babysitters too often and its not fair on them, so something had to give.
I have been really careful about not taking on too much as we are both so keen we would sign up to something every night of the week if we could! but the last few weeks have been a bit odd for various reasons. Thing is, I want to do all the church stuff. I don’t resent it, I want to be involved, be part of it, pray with others and so on, but it really just can’t fit with my business and my family. just wont, and doesn’t work. unfortunately barring a small miracle (or a bigger one) I am a bit stuck in the work area for the next 8 months, so I guess I just have to hang in there with a whole heap more prayer.

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  • Reply
    Finally Free
    June 6, 2010 at 9:29 pm

    Your enthusiasm is contagious…..
    It is amazing how this happens, our desires change. :) One time during a revival, all I wanted to do was worship God every night. My husband finally said, "Did you forget about me?" It was an amazing time in worship. Sometimes for three or four hours a night. I totally get it.


  • Reply
    Lesley Fellows
    June 7, 2010 at 6:55 am

    I had a period of time when Church took over my life and I loved it too, but in my case I lost touch with non-church people and I also started to use language that was very well understood by my churchy clique but completely opaque to those outside. It all ended in the Abyss experience.

  • Reply
    June 7, 2010 at 8:32 am

    uh oh….;)

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