So this week is ME/CFS awareness week. Some of you will know that last year I was diagnosed with CFS. I am very blessed in that my symptoms have not been too severe and right now I am doing really well with greatly increased energy levels. But the journey has been hard. I gave up my job (partly as a result of the illness), I have fought to remain positive, fought to get help from the GP and had to explain hundreds of times why or even how I am ill. Comments like ‘you look so well’ and ‘you seem fine’ are not only unhelpful but also hurtful. I thank God for my wonderful husband and close friends who have been very supportive through it all.
As I said, I am blessed in that I am improving, but so many aren’t. Sadly there is still a real lack of understanding even within areas of the medical profession.
As its ME awareness week, here’s a few links to posts I have written about my struggle. I hope they might prove useful to some, help create some understanding and give some positive hope…
My Yoke is easy…
Having to undergo an HIV test
By the way I chose this picture because it reminded me of times when I have just had to sit down and rest, no matter where I was!
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