
New Media and the church

I think it’s fair to say that most bloggers like the idea of new media (don’t all shout at once…). In the Christian Sphere the use of new media is being recognised more and more which, I for one think is rather exciting :)
If you are a blogger/tweeter/Facebooker for your faith, check out the Christian New Media Awards & Conference, coming up in October (which isn’t actually that long away…). I have to say I haven’t been before, last year I was planning on going but couldn’t and I will not miss out again!! So let me know if you are going this year…
If you are up for it, you can enter your blog or website for an award, or there is the conference  which includes the fab Vicky Beeching (hosting), some great speakers and some interesting break out sessions.

Personally I think that the church as a whole cannot fail to interact wholeheartedly with the new media phenomenon and I’d love to encourage more people to look at it seriously. I have just been offered a part time job at my church and part of it will include communication, which I am super excited about. If we want to ineract with people outside the church and not seem like total dweebs from the last century, then new media/social media, call it what you will, it’s the way forward….

This vid below is one of last years winners and I love it! So simple but a great message…

edit 5/08/12: sorry have removed the vid as I couldnt stop it automatically playing (infuriating!), but you can see it here

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1 Comment

  • Reply
    July 27, 2012 at 6:49 am

    thanks for sharing.

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