
No going back..

Ok so I have finally sent off the form. yes that’s THE form. The Minstry Enquiry Form. The 13 page epic that has taken me 2 months to fill in. Just thought you might like to know…
No idea how long the next bit of the process will last or even when it will start for that matter! But I’m on the way. I feel a sense of joy at completing it and it was great to finally send it off, having checked, re-checked and re-read it 100 times… But I am also crapping myself… (should potential Vicars say that…;) ) I cannot do this without God by my side, in fact I cannot do it without Him pushing me from behind at the mo but I know it is right. So Watch this space…!

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  • Reply
    January 13, 2011 at 11:37 am

    ffs you can't swear if you are a vicar ;)

  • Reply
    GOD thinker
    January 13, 2011 at 11:51 am

    Congratulations!!! How long until you hear something? What is the next step?

  • Reply
    January 13, 2011 at 1:17 pm

    Oh well. Before I could stop myself I told my Vicar the other day that I was 'crapping myself' instantly wished I had used a better turn of phrase…!
    God thinker – no idea! I will be given a 'Vocations Consultant' who will then guide me through the 'discernment process' – ie: they grill you for months on end to make sure you are up to the job – I joke but I know its necessary! then if I get past that, I go to a selection conference, except you musn't call it that anymore, which is a weekend affair where they watch your every move. IF I get past that, then if the Bishop okays it, I go study, for 2 or 3 years… after that I might become a Vic. All rather up in the air right now!!

  • Reply
    Emma Major
    January 14, 2011 at 9:52 am

    praying for you as you go through the process

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