Ok sorry for the stereotyping but most guys just won’t get this… do any of you girls get clothes crisis moments? Is it just me? Because I just had a huge one!
They strike with no rhyme or reason, for nothing in particular but I end up in front of my wardrobe not knowing what to wear, I put on hundreds of outfits. my husband thinks they are all lovely. I just cannot agree. These are clothes I wear every day of my life. Why on one particular day should they be so horrid that I cannnot put them on?! Piles of clothes mount up on my bed. I usually pray at this point, in total panic mode… Although I’m not sure God would be that worried about what I chose to wear…
Then there’s the double crisis days where there is a specific event. Like today. I am just going to a conference, just a small diocesan thing. I put on a dress and was happy with it. then a thought struck me – but is this too smart? first change. new top – but does this look like a clerical collar? no 3: ok this skirt is too short. Then amidst all this total craziness, I realise MY BISHOP WILL BE THERE!!! then theres a meltdown. By this stage I am screeching at the kids, go and get your own breakfast, mummy is having a moment! I have not met the Bish yet, so of course then I panic more.
This is completely nuts I know. You do not have to tell me. I am a confident woman, for goodness sake. Why do thse moments strike me? What is going on in my head!? Who cares what people will think about my clothes….
So finally I decide on a mid length denim skirt with smart-ish top. It says to me: funky, not too cas and I am happy with myself. Then I go downstairs. My teenage daughter says to me: ‘Mum I really don’t like that top….’
May 12, 2011 at 12:39 pmI did a similar thing only this week, I wore an outfit out for the evening, and while I was out I realised I had tried the same outfit on for a similar evening only about a month before and thought it looked awfull!
Then I panicked but it was too late, which time had my judgement been right? When I thought it looked awful, or when I had chosen to wear it!
Give me a suit and tie any day!
May 12, 2011 at 1:59 pmRed, I've solved this problem in my advancing years by having very few clothes :-) I hate clothes shopping, so end up with a very small number of outfits which makes choosing soooo easy…..
Nancy Wallace
May 12, 2011 at 5:15 pmI get times like that too, often for me made worse by uncertainties about the weather or likely room temparature. What a privilege to actually have a choice of clothes I try to tell myself – but why does choice so often translate into 'nothing to wear'?