‘Out There’ // Day 20 // #Write31Days
So this is just a quick report from last Sunday to give you a feel for what we were doing.
I felt it was important that this first one was founded on prayer, as we put down a foundation on which to build our missional outreach. So the majority of the activities were prayer walks in which people went to different parts of Mid Sussex to pray for their communities in different ways.

In advance we asked local clergy and groups where we have contacts what we could pray for, and we produced prayer cards that people in each area could take away with them to guide them. In one place the local vicar specifically asked if we would pray in the church and both the Anglican and RC Priests were really pleased we had taken this on. I’ll be writing later in the week abut church unity but it’s something I feel very strongly about and so I love it when we can work together and encourage each other, here in a small way but nonetheless important.
In one place where we have connections with a community centre, we also took on some redecorating and planting of bulbs as well as praying.
In another area we partnered with another local church and went out walking round the parish together before ending up at the church hall for a shared lunch. As they are embarking on a missional project of their own it was really great to stand alongside them and pray for them as they start on their planning.
One thing we do like to do here is head up onto the South Downs, from where you can look across Mid Sussex and see most of our patch! So we sent a team up the downs armed with a guitar to pray and worship across the area.
There were a few stories of people meeting people out on their walks and having an opportunity to share about what we were doing, including in one place where a member of the team felt they had a word from God for someone, who then felt really encouraged. In another place some of the team bumped into some people who were having a tough time and were able to offer some words of support.
In the afternoon we partnered with another local church to help them put on a new family friendly service, which was really well attended and drew in people who hadn’t been to the church before which was very encouraging for all of us! We had a theme of prayer and not really knowing where people were at with there with we did a simple post it prayer activity which went down very well!
In the evening we ran one of our regular initiatives ‘Church in a Pub’ which was a great evening, probably our busiest yet, with the pub packed (but I’ll be writing more on that tomorrow…)
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Jesus lover // Wife // Mum // Curate // Work for TRINITY Church, Sussex. Trying to do the right thing by the right One... often failing but still trying..
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