
Prayer Walk II

So I’m back! What an awesome weekend. It’s fair to say that my feet are a tad sore and my brain a little mushy from lack of sleep, but what an experience! The tech team have produced a vid of the first part of the walk:

So…we walked 33 miles in 24 hours, with about an hours sleep. We visited 10 churches (and passed a whole let more!), we prayed in or around at least 10 villages and towns. We met some amazing and welcoming people at all times, with treats such as homemade soup at midnight, pastries at 3am, bacone sarnies at dawn (or before!) and all sorts in between! It has been a wonderul adventure, a privilege to be part of and a real encounter with God. It has amazed me to see where he just turns up in the little details, encouraging wen we were tired, providing when we were needy and present in the worship. The worship was awesome. We sung unaccompanied through fields, with a simple guitar in churches and with high tech worship teams too, and it was all awesome. You could practically see God smiling down on us :)

The absolute highlight was putting up a 12 foot cross on the South Downs. Made by a chap from church, carried by a band of strong men (and women) for about 45minutes, it was no mean feat! In one particularly narrow stretch of treelined woods we passed some horses and had to turn the whole thing on its side! But when it went up, on top of the hill, looking out over all of Mid Sussex with the sun going down, well… words fail me. It was very emotional. Our curate spoke some amazing encouraging words and led us in prayer and then we all took communion around the foot of the cross. I can honestly say that memory will stay with me for the rest of my life. And when we got to our first stop off about a mile away and a lot lower(!) we could clearly see the cross standing watch over the whole area.

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