
Quick update

Ah, my poor neglected blog. What with a new term, a load of stuff going on at church, starting college and just generally trying to keep a lid on life, I have sadly neglected my blog, and that’s sad because I have so much stuff I want to write about. I’m learning some amazing stuff at college – who’d have thought I, yes I, would find liturgy so interesting…? what is going on there…? Well you know they say the Lord works in mysterious ways… (or was that U2…).

So a quick update before I plan some highly theological posts (or not)

// Had another study weekend away – which was AWE-SUM. Had an amazing guy come and teach us about Mission which is one of my favourite subjects anyway, and he was so inspiring, so knowledgable and so wise, it was great. Not so great is still the ‘leaving the family for the weekend’ thing which I’m not sure I’ll get used to, but that’s probably a good thing in a funny kind of way.

// Also just loving college generally and it’s funny because it’s not at all what I thought it would be, in fact it’s far better and I’m just getting so inspired…

// Preaching this Sunday – cannot wait – love doing this – and not in a ‘hey look at me’ kind of way, because frankly I have no idea why people would want to hear what I have to say, but you know, I just really enjoy it, I love saying ‘hey God, what do you want me to share this time’ and seeing what he does. Also launching a new teaching series this Sunday, which I have put together which is also a bit of a trip, I mean, seriously my amazing boss has trusted me to put this together and let me run with it. I have never been in a job like that, or had a boss like it. So no pressure there then… ;) Seriously though, really excited about what God is going to do with it all, really feels such a good place for our church to be at the mo.

// Dyed my hair a different shade..

// Entered this blog competition… so go check it out, some great entries to read…

// Just feeling like I’m right where God wants me. It’s funny because I’ve been wavering over that for a while, but starting college, my job, one of my kids being at a different school, it’s just, well it’s just right. It’s a really nice, peaceful feeling, like God has been manouvering all these pieces into place and now they’re going to sit there for a while (hmm, famous last words of course)

// Oh and also, so excited we’re taking the kids to Eurodisney in a few weeks. woop!

So that’s where I’m at…

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  • Reply
    October 11, 2013 at 6:17 am

    It's good to hear that you're enjoying your experience of college, something that will be precious when you look back on it in the future, when you're in the centre of a hectic parish ministry.

    And, it seems that you've managed to be successful in balancing it all, although, no doubt there'll be a few bumps along the way.

    If you get the chance, would you consider publishing your series of sermons (once delivered) to allow others to share the proclamation with your congregations?

    I'm also exploring a different pathway, which will involve a move of parish and diocese. It won't be until the new year, but already I'm excited about the possibilities that it might bring. And, it will be working in my local community, rather than one 50 miles away!!

    God keeps his own counsel, I wish that he'd been a bit more open before now, as I might be further down the road. But, it's all experience, formation and growth, but it can be easy to allow bitterness to cloud the vision that he gives us all.

  • Reply
    October 12, 2013 at 3:37 pm

    Hi Ernie,
    thanks for your comment :) Glad to hear things are looking up for you, make sure you blog about it all!

    Yes I usually post my sermons, and in this case although I've arranged the series I'm only actually preaching one of them. But they will all be on our church website: http://www.thepointchurch.co.uk if you are interested. Also the material that goes alongside the series is already on the website – click on the 'latest teaching' button and there are lots of links to small group sessions/resources and so on..

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