
Reading List

So, I spent last night finalising the list of things I want to achieve in the next few months, (in a nice relaxing way of course…). First off is the reading list. Which is as follows, but I would love to hear some suggestions too. I want things that might expand my faith, rather than narrow it, things that might make me think, or cover a particular issue.
So far I have the following:

The Bible (yes its obvious but I have never read it all the way through, so I will be starting at the beginning and going through it…) can anyone suggest a study version with good notes?

The Rule of Benedict: This has been quoted by several people recently, in bloggie land and also in’the real world’, and I’d love to know more about it.

Richard Dawkins : The God Delusion – just because…
Darwins Origin of the Species – as above ;)

‘Resurrrection’ by Rowan Williams – this has sat by my bed since Easter, I really need to get on with it…

‘The Jesus I Never Knew’ by Philip Yancey. I did read this some years ago but I want to read it now with my new perspective.

‘Open heart, Open Mind’ by Thomas Keating. I am actually half way through this, about centering prayer. will post on this shortly, its been en eye opener.

Also, although I don’t have specific titles yet I want to read about the following:

Smith Wigglesworth
John Wesley
Corrie Ten Boom
DL Moody

Plus I also had ‘The Heavenly Man’ and ‘Jesus Freaks’ by the band dc Talk on the list, but the first I read on hols (will post on that another day – just humbling) and the second I read last night. Very contemporary but inspiring nonetheless.

any other suggestions?

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  • Reply
    James Burt
    August 31, 2010 at 2:51 pm

    Speaking as a non-believer, The God Delusion is an appalling book. It's badly argued and spiteful. I've not read the Christopher Hitchens book, but it may well be better.

  • Reply
    August 31, 2010 at 5:39 pm

    Try 'Eat this Book' by Eugene H. Peterson 2006. Hodder and Stoughton published a paperback version in 2008, IBSN 978 0 340 95489 8. The author is a Canadian pastor and professor of spiritual theology, author of 'The Message' a translation of the New Testament. Eat this Book encourages the art of Bible reading so it becomes a text for living and growing, not just thinking or behaving. I found it really inspirational. It's short.

  • Reply
    SS Firedancer
    August 31, 2010 at 9:55 pm

    The only book that is popping readily to my mind is that I think would be great for you is a rather old book; 'Hinds Feet on High Places' By Hannah Hurnard it is an allegorical look at the Good Shepherd and how he leads us through to the high places and changes our crippled feet into the hinds feet. I am getting ready to read "The Fall of Lucifer" by Wendy Alec the first in her series. I will let you know what I think but a friend read it and said that it was intriguing.
    Hey now that the kids are going back to school do you have a spare mo maybe in a week or two to get together for a cupper?

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