The description for ‘Reflections on the Psalms’ says this:
embark on a rewarding spiritual journey through the rich and inspiring landscapes of the Psalms…
Of course one doesn’t need an app to do that but it certainly helps! I used to carry my bible everywhere but now I have it on my ipad, along with novels, theology books and sermon notes. Digital technology has enabled many things to be improved beyond compare and my spiritual journey is no exception. I fell in love with the Psalms fairly recently having decided to work through them as a Lent exercise, if only I’d had this app at the time! Featuring all 150 Psalms, each is accompanied by a short reflection and prayer. The reflections are written by a team of people (the same team that put together the previously published reflections for daily prayer app) and reflect the knowledge, diversity, experience and personality of those writing them. From the academic, but theological approach of Jeremy Worthen to the more poetic style of Paula Gooder, each aims to bring the words of the Psalm alive, highlighting to the reader a gem of information, an important phrase or a practical suggestion to bring the Psalmists words right into the heart of our lives.
It’s helpful that the reflections are short enough that one can dip into them over a quick cuppa, but equally with enough meat to enable deeper meditation when the time allows. Aside from this there’s a helpful introduction to the app, with suggestions on how to use it; a detailed and helpful guide to the Psalter by Paula Gooder; and some information on the history of Psalm use in the church.
You can choose to read the Psalms as and when you feel, dripping in and out by number, day or according to the BCP schedule.
Priced at £8.99, it’s perhaps slightly on the pricey side but when you consider the amount of information shared within it’s well worth it (plus it’s a lot cheaper than the book and is more easily portable!). It’s available for iPhone/ipad and Android now on the app store/ google play.
I’ve been using this app for a few weeks and I know it will continue to be a useful and enriching tool for my Christian life. As Joanna Collicutt notes in her reflection on Psalm 5: ‘This is a journey to a destination not an aimless ramble’ and apps like ‘Reflections on the Psalms’ truly are enabling us to ramble less and focus more on the destination…
If you really want you can hear me talking about it below too!
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