So, news of a revival in Cwmbran, Wales seems to be going viral on the internet. Reports of amazing healings, salvations and people meeting God in powerful ways are coming out of Victory Church in droves. There seems to little concrete info (it only began last week!) with a few bits on Victory church’s website but there is a very comprehensive report from David Pike on his blog ‘Welldigger’, which I highly recommend you read!
I’m not a revival hunter at all, but I am always inspired when I hear of reports around the world, of God moving powerfully, and now, something amazing seems to be happening just a few hours from where I live. I can’t tell you how excited I am, and I am hoping to get up there in the next few days. If I do I will of course post a report on it!
I know some who will think that if I drop everything and run to Wales to see what is going on, that I am nuts. But do you know what, I don’t care. If God is pouring something out in the UK, if he is doing something new here, I want to be part of it, I want to experience it! I’ve really been interested in the book of Esther recently, and in fact wrote about her a few weeks back (here), so I was amazed to hear that this revival began with the Pastor at Victory Church preaching from the book of Esther…
If anyone else has been up there I’d love to hear about it, in the meantime, here’s a little taster from Davids Blog, of what happened on the first night…. Do read the full report, it says so much more. (And huge thanks to David for allowing me to reprint some of his post).
The recent outpouring began on Wednesday night 10th April 2013 at approximately 7.35pm. At that specific time, Pastor Richard was praying for an older man in the congregation called Paul who ten years before had been involved in a serious car accident which left him crippled and in a wheelchair, unable to walk. Richard had just finished speaking from the book of Esther, and invited the people to bring their own Haman to the king’s feast, in other words, their own particular problem or need. For Paul, that was his disability. As Richard prayed for him, Paul found he was able to move his legs. He then tried to stand and found he could. The next thing that happened, as the truth of what God was doing dawned on him, was that he lifted the heavy weelchair triumphantly above his head to demonstrate he was healed. The church erupted as he then set off to run around the building without any sign of limitation. Faith was ignited in the people, and in the praise that followed several other people found themselves spontaneously receiving wholeness without anyone laying hands on them.
Update: Read my report on visiting the outpouring here
Anita Mathias
April 19, 2013 at 3:46 pmIf you go, Red, do drop me a line about it. Like you, I wouldn't want to miss it!
April 22, 2013 at 7:53 amAuthentic move of God their calling it sacred not sensational and they'd be right. After visiting its clearly focused on Jesus and His presence.
April 23, 2013 at 1:19 pmthanks anon. yes, went yesterday (with Anita!) and will be posting on it later. Very Jesus focussed and God is doing something very exciting there…
May 13, 2013 at 4:56 pmWales has experienced many revivals. Here's my book on the aftermath of what might have been the greatest in 1904-05.