Since giving up my business and being at home more often I have really noticed the simple pleasures of life. I can’t believe I spent so much time running around after other people that I missed these without batting an eye lid. What a shame it would have been to get to old age and only then realise what I had missed…
: Baking crumble with freshly picked bramleys
: Picking the bramleys out of a neighbours box, placed outside their gate ;)
: The smell of the air when rain is on it’s way
: Cuddling up in bed with my littlest kids for story time
: Playing football in the park with no.2
: Watching no.2 in school matches (and being the loudest mum on the sidelines even though I hardly know what is going on!!)
: Sitting on my sofa in the middle of the day with a cuppa, my cat, and a bible
: Silence
: Going for a run in the woods in the daytime
: Looking for conkers
: Ironing (ok so thats weird but I have gone from hating it to actually finding it rather pleasing. Even made my hubby get me a new iron and board as I finally realised how rubbish the old ones were!)
: The smell of washing, dried on the outside line
: Taking a flask to the park, watching the kids play while I have my tea :)
: The fact that my house is tidy and there are not huge piles everywhere to be dealt with
: Having time to spend with friends
: My bed. I can appreciate it now as a place of rest and not insomnia (most of the time..)
: Doing my daughters hair in something other than a quick pony tail in the morning!
: Radio 2 breakfast show
: dreaming up colour schemes to redecorate the house
the list could go on… I’m actually feeling rather lousy today with the start of a cold and needed to remind myself!
October 4, 2011 at 5:08 pmI enjoyed the tidiness and sense of order the most after
we cut down from 2 jobs to just 1. Bliss!
October 4, 2011 at 5:44 pmWhat a beautiful way to spend a day…..I was given some apples weeks ago, they went bad before I had time to do anything with them! I was just annoyed that people thought I would have time to bake! I feel bad now, cos I LOVE apple & blackberry crumble :(
October 5, 2011 at 1:14 pmsounds like those apples of gold are just being set in places of silver!!
October 11, 2011 at 1:13 pmGlad to know someone else loves the smell of washing dried outdoors, Red :-) I can really identify with your list of simple pleasures as so many of them are what I love, now that I'm retired. Enjoy….