
So, I prayed for the VCR

Praying hands from Flickr via Wylio
© 2010 Jan Smith, Flickr | CC-BY | via Wylio

Yeah so I did that, I prayed for the video player this week. And you know what, it was answered right away!

So let’s take a step back. I do pray about everything, well ok maybe not what socks to wear in the morning, but you know the important stuff, the day to day stuff, just giving my day to God. Paul says to pray without ceasing (1 Thess 5:17) and I kind of think that is a reflection of us giving all of our lives to God. It’s easy to pray when we need an answer, it’s easy to pray when something big is going on, someone is sick, we need to move house, we have a job interview. We all do that, even people who aren’t Christians do that! But you know I think God wants all of our lives, not just to turn to him when really need him.

So. I pray, a lot, all the time. About important stuff, about random stuff. Doesn’t matter, I want God in all of my life not just the bits I choose. Now I know that some people think praying selfishly or for yourself or even, for random objects, like,  say a VCR, is wrong. I don’t agree. I think it’s all part of the whirlpool of our lives and so I think we should include God in it all. 

So the VCR – how did that happen? Well, we’ve been having a big clear out and I found a video someone had made of our wedding. We do still have a VCR but it isn’t used regularly. Anyway of course the blooming’ thing wouldn’t work would it. My husband tried everything. We had planned a bit a family time, the youngest two were sat with milk and cake, in PJs, all ready to watch it together before bed. It was going to be a special time. 

Except it wouldn’t work. 

Let down… 

So just as my husband was about to give up, I just threw out a prayer: Lord please would you let this work, we’d really love to have this special time together. Well, instantly it came on, without my husband touching another thing! ha!

And I know that some people will say oh that was coincidence or that my hubby had fixed it or whatever. But you know I think that was just God’s favour. He knew it was important time for us and I think he answered our prayer. and after all, why wouldn’t he? The bible says: ‘Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart’. (Psalm 37:4). How lovely is that – it’s such a joy and a privilege to delight in the Lord and yet he offers us even more.

God wants to be part of our whole lives, in the nitty gritty, the details, the important stuff and the stuff that only we know about, but we just need to let him in a bit more often!

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  • Reply
    Natalie Bea
    September 6, 2014 at 12:02 pm

    Amen and Amen! He perfects EVERYTHING that concerns us. So faithful! Praise Him!

  • Reply
    September 6, 2014 at 2:50 pm

    Thanks Natalie :) x

  • Reply
    September 7, 2014 at 5:54 pm

    And emergency prayers are answered – again. :)

  • Reply
    Michelle Twin Mum
    October 11, 2014 at 11:12 pm

    A brilliant reminder to keep Him at the center of everything, thanks Mich x

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