Which aptly brings me to the first post from Jon Acuff at ‘Stuff Christians Like’. This week I loved his post on people praying with British accents… : @jonacuff
I know that your prayers don’t travel on a more direct route to God than mine. I am well aware that there is not an “express prayer lane,” that gets prayers to heaven faster. But every time I’m in a prayer group and someone prays something with the “Queen’s English,” I’m pretty sure that prayer gets heard by God first.
Banksy goes for religion. Thanks to ‘Changing Worship’ who in turn pinched this from Richard Littledale. A fab new work from Banksy, collaborating with MOCA in L.A. Just love this picture on so many levels… @changingworship
God of the Moon & Stars. A friend used this clip in a talk recently. The video is a little cliched but I just liked the song. The lyrics are quite thought provoking in places. (may blog on this at some point…)
A21 Campaign: I know I have flagged this organisation up a few times, but if you haven’t checked them out, please do: Human trafficking is the second largest global organized crime today, generating approximately 31.6 billion USD each year. There are 1.39 million victims of commercial sexual servitude worldwide.
Worship Central: Spirit Break Out (@worshipcentral)
The Worship central guys are based at HTB, this is their latest album and I LOVE it! the title track ‘Spirit break out’ is amazing (although the rap is very HTB, darling…!!)
Inherit the Mirth… a whole selection of faith/church based cartoons. I admit I have totally used this one without permission so please do go look at their site and maybe buy a card or two!
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