Browsing Tag

back pain

  • Christianity

    Post op update

    Okay so here’s a little update on my back, which I’m dictating with the speech to text app, as even using my laptop at the moment it’s almost impossible. Praise God…

  • Christianity Sermons & Scripture

    Two things…

      Two things… 1) So I just had my pre-op appointment for my back surgery. Let’s face it, it was never going to be all that encouraging, but hearing about all…

  • Sermons & Scripture

    Beautiful Pain

    Yes this is my spine… So, I’ve now spent 2 ½ weeks off work at home (and 5 weeks before that in pain) with a prolapsed disk in my back. That’s…

  • Christianity

    Some More Thoughts on Being in Pain

    This post first appeared on blogger here on 12/5/15. So a few weeks ago I visited Premier Radio and made the most of the freebie mags in the reception area, stocking up…