
Tears for a stranger

The blog world is a funny
place isn’t it. You can read something written by someone you have never heard
of and feel an instant affinity with them; you can hear of someones plight and
want to reach out and help; and requests for prayer via twitter always make me stop for  a quiet moment. Today, now, I am crying tears
for a little boy I don’t know and will never meet. I was writing the previous
post about women bloggers and so I usually check out each blog when I do this
and today I came across Lynns post at ‘Help I work with Children’ about 6 year
old Caden Beggan who tragically lost his life to meningitis just over a week
ago. I don’t know Lynn and I don’t know Caden but via her blog I followed a link
to his parents Facebook page on which they had been documenting his fight for
life. Something about the way they write with such love and grace made me read

The tragedy of a child dying
is always heartbreaking, but there is something about their posts, something so
raw and yet so loving, something that seems to refuse to be angry or to give in
to the downward spiral of self tormenting grief, that offers hope. I don’t know these people at
all, and I am sure there are moments when they will be so overwhelmed they can’t
breathe, but right now I feel so inspired by what they have written I wanted to share it. If you
want to see for yourself, the page is here.

Anyway, this family in their pain and suffering want to do something in Caden’s memory and they have released a single
that you can download. It costs just 79p and the proceeds will be going to the hospital
where Caden was cared for, so if you feel moved by their story why not download
it here.

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  • Reply
    December 13, 2012 at 10:06 pm

    thank you for this post, I am sure Caden's family would so appreciate you mentioning their Christmas music release – its a great song and not only a fitting way to remember their son, a real channel for Caden's family to permanently cherish his memory and so fitting to benefit the hospital where Caden was treated. Please, readers, if you can spare the 79p, download it, its a total professional release and here's the link

  • Reply
    December 15, 2012 at 7:52 pm

    thanks Lynn

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