Then along comes a leader like no other. One who interprets things differently, who brings a different world view. He’s not like the others. He’s not worried about what he looks like, or even who supports him, he just knows what he is there to do.
His message is so vastly different to the world he inhabits, he quickly gains support from those seeking a new way, seeking something different. Fed up with the status quo. People follow him and rally to declare their support of him.
Of course being a bit of a radical he has his enemies, he has his dissenters, that’s to be expected, right? But he has come to challenge the system, the world order, to make a change, he is committed to his cause.
Of course I’m not actually talking about Jeremy Corbyn, this is written abut Jesus, but I’ve been struck recently that the whole sorry mess this nation is in, is not that dissimilar to what happened 2000 years ago. Of course I’m also not suggesting Corbyn is any kind of Messiah either, but what I want to highlight is that someone a bit different gaining support can make people suspicious. The religious leaders of Jesus day (his own crowd you could say) turned on him because he was different, because he didn’t agree with every word they said. He brought a new interpretation of their laws, their scripture. And in a way Jeremy Corbyn is doing just that amongst his crew: the politicians, and now despite recent huge support for Corbyn, his party seem to be panicking, worrying about the difference that won him his support and are becoming increasingly suspicious of him.
Right now this country needs something to believe in. We need something different. I am proud that we live in a democracy, I’m proud that I get to vote, I am passionate about voting and wish more people did. But about now, when I watch PMQs and see them all behaving like school children – well worse actually my kids wouldn’t behave like they do – when I see the name calling in the press, the picking out each others flaws, the continual need to undermine each other, causing us, the public, to trust no one, I wonder why on earth we bother.
And what has gone on in the last few weeks? Well bloomin’ heck what IS going on? Our nation seems to be falling apart. And I am not going to join in the name calling and finger pointing but this whole sorry mess has come out of our own western political system, a democracy. So don’t tell me that it’s the fault of anyone except our political system and our politicians.
We are in a time of great uncertainty, we are fearful of the future, worried for our kids inheritance, angry, mistrustful and upset.
Well, last week someone said to me that it is at times like these revival happens. When the chips are down, when all else is falling apart, when wars happen, or disasters hit, the power of God often breaks out.
I don’t know why that is, perhaps there is something about feeling helpless, about finally admitting we don’t have all the answers, that enables us to hear from God. Perhaps there is something about being intentional – about actually seeking God, or even just seeking another way that allows him to break in.
Well right now as a nation we need something, or someone to believe in. Politically for me that’s JC – Jeremy Corbyn that is ;) He’s different, he’s bringing a different style of politics, is bringing a hope that the rest don’t seem to be able to do. Yes he might be a bit scruffy, yes he might be interpreting the rules differently but I think that’s what we need right now. I mean it can’t get any worse can it!
However, it will always be for me the JC. Jesus Christ. Whatever is going on around us, whatever I face, I know that Jesus is my constant. In times of trial, in times of joy, in pain and in celebration, he is there. If anyone can get us out of this mess it is him. So whilst I’ve voted for Corbyn and for remain, and am seriously considering joining the Labour party, I will be praying too. I’ll be crying out to the Lord for our nation, for a better way, a way that is founded on love and compassion. A way that sees the poor and marginalised supported and welcomed. A way that might be different to anything we’ve seen before but that just might save our nation from wrack and ruin. It might seem unlikely, but that’s what faith is. To believe that one man could change the world – how is that possible, right? But that’s just what I believe Jesus did and is still doing.
All that said, I also am praying for us – we can be that one man or woman too. How can we change our world? How can we bring a loving presence and a sense of compassion to what we do? Let’s be praying that there can be another way for this nation, whether it starts from God in revival, from politicians or simply from us…
Lesley Hargreaves
July 13, 2016 at 9:37 amI think Corbyn’s policies are amazing but I’m not sure I can ever vote for him because of the people who surround him. I hear stories of intimidation, theats and bullying and it bothers me that their leader doesn’t seem at all bothered by this. I have never voted for anyone but Labour and for the first time ever I’m not sure if I can.
July 13, 2016 at 1:42 pmThe reality for many of us is being on one side or another doesn’t seem right – both sides are tarnished and the Referendum has just how divided we are as a country – and the outcome has been even more divisive.
Young remainer’s against older leavers!
British identity against those not born in the UK.
The Poor aga -inst the tiny majority of the rich.
People aginst remote government and vice versa.
England and Wales against Scotland and Northern Ireland.
Never have we been so disunited as the present time.
But yet there is hope! A Vicar’s daughter, herself a devout Anglican, is to lead us through at least the next 31/2 years – yes, it isn’t a Messiah, it isn’t a Saviour – but might it just be a sign of hope that the Unprincipled leader that have failed us, might just about to be swept away in a clean sweep – I pray that it might be so.
July 14, 2016 at 12:35 pmYou are so right, so hard t know where to turn, and I was really just voicing my own opinion! I was challenged this week that often the church is silent, and I thought, well I’m going to nail my colours to the mast!
Whatever we think, the Prime Minister definitely needs our prayers.