
Treasure Hunting

There’s nothing I like more than being able to share the love of God with others who don’t know him. Today I went out treasure hunting with a group of guys from other churches in the area (including Adam who blogs here.) to do just that.

This week, 8 churches in our local area have got together and run a 24-7 prayer room (this is the third year we have done this) and this year we had the amazing opportunity to use an empty shop unit right in the centre of town. The whole thing has been amazing, God has brought so many people in, there have been wonderful opportunities to pray with people, just awesome worship nights, late night/early morning experiences with the Holy Spirit. just amazing.

Anyway, as part of this we organised a group to go out treasure hunting. I may have written about this before, but the idea is you pray for clues so that God can guide you to the right person, your ‘treasure’. Then hopefully you can talk to them, and pray with them. It’s a great way of getting out and sharing God’s word and doing street ministry, and I love how it gives people confidence because they have something to look for, rather than randomly walking around! It’s also great to show your ‘treasure’ how God has led you to them by showing them the clues.

In actual fact today I didn’t find anyone from my list! but God did show me people to approach and we had the wonderful opportunity to pray with several people including one man whose marriage was failing and a woman who needed prayer for healing.

Some people in the group had really profound encounters, for example one chap revealed all kinds of things in his life, a lot of hurt and pain and by the end was agreeing to come to church tomorrow! Praise God! 

I’ve been really wanting to do more of this stuff and it has been hard to get others enthused but today feels like a turning point and I know that we will do this again!

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