ok this was scheduled for Friday – why can’t I get my scheduled posts to work…?
Ok, so I’ve caved in and joined twitter, I’ve been thinking about it for a while. Well actually I say joined but when I logged on to twitter it told me my email was already registered and low and behold there was my twitter account from 3 years ago… life was very different 3 years ago, so before using I thought I’d better check some of the tweets, but actually they weren’t as bad as I feared…
Why am I doing this? no idea, not like I don’t have enough social media in my life… but I have been thinking about it for a while and since fasting from facebook for Lent, I don’t feel massively bothered about going back so hey let’s try twitter for a while…
Anyway I am @redjules if anyone is interested and today I will be at the Hillsong womens conference so will try to tweet from there…
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