I do not like it when I cannot post on my blog. Some would call this a kind of addiction and perhaps it is. But I think the reality is that it is keeps me sane. I find it very therapeutic to write and I have a real need to get things out of my head. In writing I often find an answer to things that have been going round for a while, which is probably why my posts are often a bit disjointed.
Anyway, I rather hope that as the kids finally go back to school for any decent length of time and my husband back to work, and lots of responsibilities that have been looming finally gone, I can get back in routine. (I am also obsessed with routine…)
So anyway over the last 3 weeks various post ideas have been going round my head so much so that I just don’t know where to start. So instead I am starting with a quick round-up of the last few weeks. Perhaps to remind myself that I haven’t been slacking (!), or perhaps just to get it all out of my head so I can move on… This is the last 3 weeks in a paragraph:
Tower of London (with kids not as an unwelcome break); swimming, movies, tea (lots of); singing in the pub’s open mic night for the first time; more ill health (but hopefully on the mend, gosh its sooo boring being ill); sunshine!, painting – front door not canvas, enormous ironing pile, BBQs, Easter Sunday – awesome massive service with Matt Redman; 24-7 Prayer room; latest visit with VC; DDO comes to visit; lots of reading; Sunday lunches with friends and family; digging a friends veg patch; walks, picnics; Bluebell Railway; DVDs a plenty; building camps in the garden; paddling pool; very messy house; veg planting; McDonalds for tea; 4 hours in front of the telly followed by street party & BBQ…
Hopefully by Tuesday normal service will be resumed!
April 30, 2011 at 8:58 pmWow! What a busy time (I was going to say 'holiday'). Did you enjoy it?
How did you manage to have an Easter service with Matt Redman?
April 30, 2011 at 9:10 pmwow!
April 30, 2011 at 9:36 pmRed, I'm amazed you've had time even to think of your blog, with all that going on :-) I've just been musing on my blog about the addictiveness of blogging, so I know just where you're coming from….
May 1, 2011 at 4:00 pmhi all. yes alittle manic for sure..
@ The curateswife: Matt Redman was one of the founders of our church so is quite closely linked anyway. He also lives locally now so I guess for him it was an easy gig! It was a big evening celebration with lots of local churches. v.cool :)