So.. today has been the culmination of an interesting week. There have been highs, there have been lows, I have felt far from God and then very close to God. Today I renewed my baptism vows at church with a full on dunking, and suddenly it has all come into place…
The week started with me consumed with anxiety about the future of my business. I have written before about my desperate desire to do Gods work that He has planned for me, to just live for him and to do his will. I thought I had handed over my business worries to Him, but this week I realised I was still striving for answers under my own steam. Tuesday was a day of learning, of letting go, of realisation. Draining! at the end of which I just let go and gave it all to the Lord (really this time…). Wednesday was enlightening. We shared some time with people from church, one of them spoke some prophetic words about my life and my path with God, my calling. The other talked about so many things that are relevant in my life. All of these things spoke to me in volumes. The prophetic words were not a surprise, all things that I have spent time thinking on, yet had not spoken to others about. Thursday was a day of confirmation. Receiving the word from my friend which I mentioned on Thursdays post and mulling over all that had been said the night before. I prayed for a day clear from attack and just to be consumed by faith, and that’s what I got! I felt so close to God all day. I look back at this week and I know now it was a journey to get me to today, to the renewal of my baptism vows.
I have ultimately surrendered all to Gods will. I am waiting on him now. I could have sunk into despair about those words on Wednesday but instead I feel enlightened and secure in knowing that God will guide me to those places, even though they seem so far away…
So today I approached the service clear in my heart and my mind that God is in control. When I said those words this morning – ‘I believe and trust in him’, I wasn’t just saying it out loud, but in my heart too.
The preacher this morning talked about our roles, using the gifts God has given us and particularly for those that were baptised/renewed their vows: what comes next? As we shared testimonies this morning, one girl said she felt like this was the start of a new journey and the preacher expanded on this. I connected with that completely. It’s like everything that has happened over the last few months, this was confirming it all. and for us to stand up there and publically declare it was like us taking the next step, saying, yes Lord, we want this life, take us forward with you. I am excited about what the future holds in this journey guided by Him.
We had a few cards given to us today which was lovely and one I really liked had this quote by Jerome K Jerome:
Nothing is more beautiful than the love that has weathered the storms of life.
I just love this because although it wasn’t written as a reference to Christian love, it just sums up our journey perfectly and it will surely still sum up our journey in 40 years time…
Incidentally my daughter (unbeknown to me) videoed my dunking on her phone, so I will try and post it on here if I can suss out how to get ot from there to here… watch this space!
April 25, 2010 at 6:44 pmHowdy
Oh my this quote truly sums up life .
Congratulations on your fabulous day ,sorry to hear the water was chilly but you'll always remember this day .
How neat that your daughter
took photos with her phone .
Thank you so much
for sharing this with us .
I needed to read your blog today .
It was a week of really low blows
and yet I know God is at work
to bring me back up
to the high places again.
Blessings to you and yours.
Until next time
Happy Trails
Finally Free
April 26, 2010 at 10:36 pmI just watched the video…..thanks for sharing. I'm glad you have a record of yours. There were no cameras at mine. :(
I like how they say "be filled with the Holy Spirit" after you go down. I had never heard that before.