School hols means v. little time to blog, let along think of blog. However you may all be amused to know that Son mentioned in Sundays post for lovely note has now written in indelible biro on his wall I ‘heart’ God (as in I love God – but he drew the heart). So how do I react? I was of course angry at seeing the pen, then melted on seeing what he had written… ( he had also written various cricket references, which as a fan myself I also found hard to discipline…)
Made me think though about what is wrong, or what is a sin. I mean if the sentiment is right, if the heart is in the right place, but the act is wrong, does that still make it wrong? Obviously line must be drawn somewhere, will not start on crusades, holy wars and so on… answers on a postcard please…
April 8, 2010 at 8:42 pmYou can't really tell him off too much for that one, can you? Maybe explain he shouldn't write on the wall and provide a book for messages to God – or he could start a blog- this might be an early sign that he is a natural? :)
Alan Crawley
April 9, 2010 at 7:19 amI don't know whether you have found this blog Chapter 3 gives a very interesting take on sin which resonated with me much more than the rules based approach that so often seems to be used – after all someone wasn't terribly keen on the rules of the pharisees!
April 9, 2010 at 6:06 pmthanks for the comments. hadn't heard of Simons blog – but am now half way through reading it!, thanks!